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Arborvitae damage?

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From: Tom F
lyndhurst, NJ

I have 3 well established arborvitaes in my yard- about 20 feet tall. 2 years ago, during heavy rains- one was felled due to soggy ground combined with heavy winds. It was immediately propped back up, tied and fed on regular basis. As of late, its has been turning a pale green color, loosing a lot of needles, and browning in certain spots. I am fearful that the root system has been permanently damaged...Do you think that may be the case? I would be happy to send a picture via email if that would help...

Thank you, Tom

Extension Message
From: Richard Hentschel
Extension Educator, Horticulture
DuPage/Kane/Kendall Unit
Needle loss in the interior of the evergreen is expected and should be similar in volume to the other arborvitae you have. It made it through 2012 while we had drought and high temperatures, but you are now seeing the impacts of that as well as a damaged root system. This was a well-established evergreen with what is now a limited root system that cannot keep up with the demand for water and nutrients that the canopy is asking for. A light pale green color indicates an overall drying of the needles and lack of moisture in the plant in general. The color immediately under the surface of a stem or branch should be a wet looking dark green color. I suspect yours is a light dry green color. There is not a lot that can be done besides being sure the plant is well watered for the remainder of the growing season. You might consider reducing the canopy and by doing so reduce the demand and stress on the root system, allowing more water and nutrients to reach the remaining portion of the canopy. You can also provide a temporary windbreak to lessen the effects of a drying winter wind. It may remain a green color for the winter and then next spring turn completely brown.

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