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Arbor with brown and black foliage

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From: Jen H
Peru, IL
Hi, I planted 30 green emerald arbors in spring 2014. They were watered adequately and looked great until now. The arbors are in an open area so they did get a lot of wind over the winter season. Now that it is spring, I have noticed some brown at the bottom and middle outer areas of the arbors (more so at the bottom outer) Some of the arbors have more brown than others. There is also a small amount of black foliage on some of the arbors too. Should I cut off the brown and black areas? Should we fertilize with evergreen sticks? Just want to be proactive and see if we can help them along. Thanks for any advice.

Extension Message
From: Richard Hentschel
Extension Educator, Horticulture
DuPage/Kane/Kendall Unit
Most of what you are likely seeing is winter damage from either the sun or winter winds or winter temperatures and or a combination. if only the needles are damaged, small twigs and branches will generate new buds and the damaged needles will fall away with time. if the damage is more extensive, prune away any dead back to where you see live growth. Arborvitae do have the ability generate buds on older tissue. It will take more than one growing season to be sure your evergreens have actually established themselves in the new planting. A light fertilization will help encourage recovery and be sure you continue to water during times of stress. Granular fertilizer that can be placed throughout the root system is preferred while the plants are establishing.

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