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Tree doctor

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From: Kathaleen Smith
Libertyville, IL
I have a 20 year old ficus tree that I need to get to a tree doctor or horticulturalist that treats plants. Mine is dropping leaves, and the stalks are dying. I am afraid to repot or separate the roots out as I dont' want to do more damage. This was given to me as a gift when I lost my mom and I cannot lose this plant. Are you familiar with any nurseries near North Chicago that take plants in to rehabilitate them Thank you

Extension Message
From: James Schmidt
Extension Specialist, Home Horticulture/4-H
Department of Crop Sciences
Because of the vast number of garden centers and nurseries in Illinois, we don't keep track of them or the services they provide. You'll need to check the yellow pages or google the cities nearest you for places and then call to see if they'll provide the care you need for the plant.

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