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Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar

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From: Rose Marie Waugh
Waterloo, IL
Hello, my Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar seems to be dying. It is 6'tall and I had it for 4 years. All the green tufts are yellow and the ends are brown. It is May 2015 and we have had plenty of rain. It looked green in Jan. Feb, March and most of April. Now the needles are thin and sparse. How do I know if there is too much water or to little, or if it has some fungas? Hate to let it go! Thank you. Rose Marie

Extension Message
From: James Schmidt
Extension Specialist, Home Horticulture/4-H
Department of Crop Sciences
It is probably not due to lack of water, since you indicate that you have had sufficient rainfall. It's very possible that the damage is from disease. If you can send a photo to this email, it would give a clearer picture of what's going on and the appropriate treatment.

Extension Message
From: James Schmidt
Extension Specialist, Home Horticulture/4-H
Department of Crop Sciences
You indicated that the tree looked okay January through most of April. Based on that, as well as the photos, a couple of possibilities are frost damage or herbicide injury. Frost could damage new growth, but would unlikely damage the older needles - and it looks like a lot of the older growth is brown. The tree does not look healthy. In the second image, it looks like it is trying to initiate new growth with the older dead needles around it. The curled appearance could be indicative of some type of spray damage; you would know if something was applied around the tree. Another possibility is salt spray damage – if the tree is located close to a street where salt is applied in the winter. Since the damage is done and it's trying to re-grow, your best approach is to wait and see how it progresses. You might want to give it a light fertilizer treatment before the onset of summer and water during periods of drought to keep it from stress.

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