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Mimosa tree

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From: Sue Hunt
Oakwood, IL
My friend from Indiana gave me a start of a mimosa tree and i have had it in the house noe for a year, i am ready to plant it. What do i need to plant this and where in my yard. We live on the border of illinois and Indiana, in the central area. can you help me.

Extension Message
From: James Schmidt
Extension Specialist, Home Horticulture/4-H
Department of Crop Sciences
It will need full sun for best flowering. Since it can reach 20-35 feet tall with a similar spread, you'll need to locate it where it has room to grow. Other than that there is nothing special about transplanting it to the outside. Since it has been in the house, a direct change to outside might be a shock with the additional light and increased temperatures. I would move it outside several hours a day, increasing the amount each day to get the plant acclimated. Once you plant it, watch the watering needs, place a light mulch around the base, and perhaps give it some protection from the direct sun for about a week until it begins to get established.

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