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emerald greens

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From: Diane Nyzer
woodstock , ZZ
Hi, I have 3 emralds in my front yard about 3 ft from house. Planted them in 07, they're about 6 ft tall. The last 6 yr (gets worse every yr) my white siding is covered with little webby stuff that of course catches all the little bugs & it is a disgusting mess. My emeralds also have webs on them. Are the webs from something attracted to the tree, though I have NEVER seen a spider, & did I just plant to close to my house? Diane

Extension Message
From: Richard Hentschel
Extension Educator, Horticulture
DuPage/Kane/Kendall Unit
I suspect that the webs are from any number of spider species that on a nightly basis, cast a web to catch there prey. The number of webs is cumulative, old ones do not go away. The proximity to the home allows the spiders to easily create the webs. With time the Arborvitae will outgrow the spot, regardless of how they are pruned.

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