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Tree trimming issue

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From: Catharine Gray
URbana, IL
We are currently using an arborist, recommended by two friends, who has trimmed a tree for us. The tree to be trimmed needed two limbs removed: one was decaying, and the other banged on our house. However, the arborist removed four limbs. They are saying that the other two limbs had to be removed because when one takes down a limb, it has to swung down away from the tree and these other limbs were in the way. However, we are not at all happy with the result. (They removed the two other limbs without asking). My question is, is their explanation for the extra limb removal correct or usual? The tree in question is a sweetgum and the limbs removed were indeed close to the ones we had wanted removed. But now the tree looks very bare and, as I know nothing about trimming trees, I have no way of knowing if this kind of thing is usual or not. So, I'd be grateful for an informed opinion.

Extension Message
From: Richard Hentschel
Extension Educator, Horticulture
DuPage/Kane/Kendall Unit
The response you received may have been factual, while the lack of communication as to how the actual work was to be done should have been more through before any work was carried out. Hopefully as the tree continues to grow and develop and additional lower limbs need to be removed the tree will again look more balanced. If you have not already done so in a positive manner, let the Arborist know you are not pleased with with his work, since he was recommended by two of your friends. While the Arborist came recommended to you, you could also contact the Better Business Bureau and address your concerns through them as well.

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