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Email contact from City of OKC

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From: whitney puiggari
oklahoma city, OK
Hi, I have a hard, off white mucus substance growing on the branches on my deodara tree here in OKC. I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas on what this may be. Thank you.

Extension Message
From: Richard Hentschel
Extension Educator, Horticulture
DuPage/Kane/Kendall Unit
Deodara is not a hardy tree here in the Midwest, yet I would suspect the white substance is that of tree sap that is typical of many evergreen trees. Potential causes could be a canker or feeding activities of migrating birds called Sap Suckers. Damage is caused by the creation of a series of holes which weep and is consumed as food by the birds. Migratory birds are normally protected by law. Consult with your local Extension Service for a more locally and focused response.

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