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Bugs found in Rid X

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From: Terri Robinson
Opelousas, LA
I had small flying black bugs in my bathroom also. They were all on my walls, in my magazines, in my paper towels and tissue. Had no idea where these thongs were coming from. One day, I figured, maybe they are coming from sewer (at night from bottom of floor by commode) and grabbed the RidX box off of shelf above commode to pour down the bowl..bugs were coming out of RidX box FALLING INTO COMMODE with RidX!!! Falling and crawling on my arm!! I hollered!! Then put box in 2 WalMart bags and walked that bag OUT TO MY TRASH CAN. Shopvac my floor and cleaned bathroom, NO MORE BUGS!!! I’d never heard of such a thing. Freaked me OUT.

Extension Message
From: Richard Hentschel
Extension Educator, Horticulture
DuPage/Kane/Kendall Unit
they have been identified in the past as either confused or red flour beetles. it seems the carrier used in products like this support the life cycle of this beetle. Best practice in the future is to buy the product and immediately use the product, preventing the life cycle from beginning and ending in the container.

From: Kimberly Vanderklis
Pearl River, LA
We battled those bugs in our bathroom for months. We spent hundreds of dollars trying to get rid of them. Finally, under a cabinet, my husband found the source. It was a box of Rid X. Took it out and instantly no more beetles. file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/cc/12/28592098-123B-4F8C-9ED2-DD38FA93A737/IMG_1549.HEIC

From: Jim Neff
Redlands, CA
Just traced a Carpet Beetle infestation to an unopened box of Rid-X.

First noticed a bunch of small bugs on the floor outside a broom closet surrounding a new throw rug we purchase a few weeks earlier. After taking a photo, and blowing it up, we were able to match it to a variety of Carpet Beetle.

We emptied the room and steam cleaned everything including the floors and wallboards. The carpet is still outside and has been steam cleaned.

Thinking we had controlled the infestation we were shocked to discover more bugs on the floor in the broom closet and quickly traced them to an unopened box of Rid-X. Still thinking the source of these carpet beetles was a new carpet (too obvious?) we thought that there might be something about the Rid-X box that was attracting these bugs that either got in the house on the new carpet/rug, or flew in, or were on a house plant. None of these beetles were airborne yet so we suspect we caught the infestation early. However, after wiping off the Rid-X box and setting it aside, we discovered that it was once again completely covered with bugs the next day. So we open the box to dump the contents down the toilet to treat the septic tank so we could dispose of the box and to our horror the box was completely full of beetles!

After reading this forum we are now convinced that the source of these bugs is the Rid-X and we understand that these beetle eggs can be dormant for a long time before hatching into adults. This particular box of Rid-X was in the closet for 1-2 years.

I sent a message to Rid-X in India to ask if they could provide a description of the product and also to feedback any similar reports of bug infestations associated with Rid-X. We’ll see what they come back with.

In the meantime the lesson learned is to use the Rid-X immediately and not store extra boxes in the house. Carpet beetles can destroy natural fiber clothing and furniture and, because they lay up to 100 eggs each and can fly, they can be very difficult to control. Rid-X users beware!

From: PK Anonymous
Naples , FL
I was finding little flying brown bugs in my bathroom. Several in the shower after each time we took a shower. I was constantly rinsing them down the drain cleaning them off the walls with tissue and rinsing them down the sink drain. Then my husband thought they were coming from the drain. So I started using bleach spray in the shower and the sink and bought peppermint oil to get rid of them. They would not go away. I took a good close-up picture and video of the tiny little bugs and Googled them. I found out for a fact, by exact photos found online, that they are called "Drugstore Beetles".. I still could not get rid of them or find the source that they were coming from. Then one early morning I waa cleaning up more beetles from the bathroom walls, floors, sink, shower, etcetera. Then I looked up at the shelf above the toilet about 2 feet from the ceiling, where I stored two boxes of Rid-X. There were Drugstore Beetles, all over the boxes. One box was covered inside of a plastic bag, the other one was not covered. Usually when I purchase Rid-X powder, I put the box in a produce bag right at the store because the boxes leak the power and I want to keep the rest of my purchases safe and free from getting the Rid-X powder on anything I'm buying. Usually groceries. I normally try to buy the individually wrapped drop-in packs of Rid-X, but the last time I purchased it they were out of the drop-in packs. So I purchased a box of the powder. I had forgotten to put this box inside of a plastic produce bag. And when I got it home I put it on the bathroom shelf with the wrapped one. So when I looked up on the shelf and found the boxes covered with drugstore beetles I reached up and brought the boxes down I opened the box that was not in a plastic bag first it was totally infested with drugstore beetles and the powder inside was clumpy like it had been wet from the insects urine ??. I immediately dumped the box down the toilet. I never dreamed the source of those Drugstore Beetles, was coming from a box of Red-X!! ????. So I opened the second box of Rid-X, which I had wrapped in a plastic produce bag. Bugs were inside of the folds of the bag, but were not inside of the box of Rid-X. The power in that box was dry, and had no drugstore beetles. But, they mush have been able to smell it, and we're trying to get inside of the plastic bag. From now on, if I have no choice but to purchase Rid-X powder, I will always place the box inside of a plastic bag PLUS, I will put the bagged powder inside of a sealed plastic container as well, for double protection against ever getting an infestation these beetles again!! The company who makes Rid-X seriously needs to put this product inside of heavy weight sealed plastic bags BEFORE putting the bare powder inside of boxes abd selling it to consumers.

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