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Rabbits & Lawn Care

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From: Anonymous User
Naperville, IL
Please -- What can I spray onto our lawn to keep the rabbits from eating it. We inherited several berry-trees and shrubs that attract the rabbits, squirrels and ground hogs. The trees and shrubs are too mature to start over. Therefore, what can we do to deter the animals from our lawn? Thank you

Extension Message
From: James Schuster
Horticulturist and Plant Pathologist (Retired)
A stray hungry cat may help. I do not know of any long lasting effective sprays. To keep the plants from being eaten, surround the base of the plants with 2 1/2 foot high chicken wire anchored to the soil. This will not look nice but is the only effective way to keep rabbits from eating the woody plants. Also rabbits will not be drawn as well to a starving lawn as to a well fertilized lawn. Fertilized lawns are more nutrious for the rabbits.

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