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birch tree roots in our window-well.

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From: Phyllis Graczyk
Westmont, IL
Our neighbor,of 20+ yrs. has a birch tree next to the fence, next to our walkway, & house. The roots are starting to go into out window-well, lifting the sidewalk, and possible into our foundation. The neighbor doesn't talk to anybody on the block, including us. We are going to cut the root from the window-well and other areas that we can. Do we need to hire an arborist to see if the roots are damaging our foundation, and if that is the case, how would you suggest we tell him about the existing problem. Thank you, Phyllis

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From: James Schuster
Horticulturist and Plant Pathologist (Retired)
First I woul suggest that you make a house visit and tell him about the problem. Cutting off the roots may cause the tree to die or have serious health problems. Check with a lawyer to see if you would be responsible for the trees death if you cut the roots. Roots will not cause structure dfamage if there is no damage already. However if they find an existing crack, the roots can make the crack worse.

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