Living with Wildlife in Illinois

Solving Problems

Questions per page:

Question Title Date
removing geese from Alan Peabody (1) Reply. 08/05/09
Box Turtles from Larry McLaughlin (1) Reply. 08/04/09
too friendly fox from Lisa Sorensen (1) Reply. 07/29/09
Fox and chickens from Cheri Ezell (1) Reply. 07/24/09
bee or wasp? from pam gonzalez (1) Reply. 07/02/09
Snake removal from Alise Clark (1) Reply. 06/19/09
birds hitting windows from Julie Stampfl (1) Reply. 06/08/09
Feral hogs/pigs from James Maass (1) Reply. 06/02/09
Mallard Male Duck perched on Hosue top from Laura Christensen (1) Reply. 05/28/09
Bunny Control from Concerned Neighbor (1) Reply. 05/11/09
Duck Nest In Dangerous Location from Michelle Keil (1) Reply. 05/08/09
Foxes from Becki McClaine (1) Reply. 05/04/09
mallard duck nest from Maureen Geraci (1) Reply. 04/22/09
feeding geese / raccoons from Joy Bragg (1) Reply. 04/03/09
Plant life and water supply from Anthony Kendrick (1) Reply. 03/24/09
Beaver Trapping from Alyssa Bachara (1) Reply. 03/24/09
Dead Animal from Cathleen York (1) Reply. 03/23/09
Coyote Feeding from Bob Bartholomew (1) Reply. 02/25/09
Fox from Adrienne Sullivan (1) Reply. 01/24/09
bobcats from Nathan Kyle Kyle (1) Reply. 01/14/09
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