Living with Wildlife in Illinois

Solving Problems

Questions per page:

Question Title Date
Coyote Removal from Frankie Bisceglie (1) Reply. 01/05/09
Starling Control from Arnold Northrup (1) Reply. 12/03/08
waterfowl population and related problems from Stephen Mrenna (1) Reply. 11/03/08
Deer from Laura Ramirez (1) Reply. 10/22/08
coyotes from Pam Gioppo (1) Reply. 10/12/08
ground squirrels from Cathy Martens (1) Reply. 09/22/08
Garter snakes from Linda Trostle (1) Reply. 09/21/08
skunk from Danielle Schultz (1) Reply. 09/08/08
hornets nest from Cathy STREETT (1) Reply. 09/03/08
Bats from Mike Dwyer (1) Reply. 08/22/08
bobcats from judith baker (2) Replies. 08/18/08
Birds from Berta Isabel Arias (1) Reply. 08/12/08
Baby Rabbits In My Yard from Michele B (5) Replies. 08/02/08
opossum from joan pfohl (2) Replies. 08/01/08
Cranes from Lisa Lynch (1) Reply. 07/25/08
geese from farley cole (1) Reply. 07/24/08
moles! from Amanda C (1) Reply. 07/22/08
Squirrels from joslyn zost (1) Reply. 07/08/08
Dog Sprayed by Skunk from Tracy Roberts (1) Reply. 06/06/08
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