Living with Wildlife in Illinois


Questions per page:

Question Title Date
Snake ID. from jeff young (1) Reply. 06/06/09
squirrels from gerald cole (1) Reply. 05/25/09
Turkey Hen from Butch Dietenberger (1) Reply. 05/25/09
Canada goose nest from Janaan Mickey (1) Reply. 05/20/09
geese nest from debbie mealer (1) Reply. 05/19/09
Turkeys from Kristi Butterfield (1) Reply. 05/18/09
otters from Jenn cool (1) Reply. 05/11/09
raising wild turkeys from nathan k (1) Reply. 05/05/09
fish dying in our lake from jim frick (1) Reply. 04/27/09
gray wolves from Joy Chowdhury (1) Reply. 04/24/09
Duck Nest from Monica Ksiazczyk (1) Reply. 04/20/09
Dead owl from Greg Tate (1) Reply. 04/12/09
Developing habitat from Todd Clements (1) Reply. 04/12/09
snake identity from Jeff Howd (1) Reply. 03/07/09
Wood Ducks from Allen Sanson (1) Reply. 02/25/09
DO MICE/SHREW GROWL? from denise neeb (3) Replies. 02/02/09
harrasment of deer from Brian Wede (1) Reply. 01/27/09
Wildlife control from Matt Hagan (2) Replies. 01/27/09
Color phase in foxes from Cathy Ergovich (1) Reply. 01/27/09
bats from Phillip Zavitz (2) Replies. 01/13/09
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