Living with Wildlife in Illinois


Questions per page:

Question Title Date
Bobcat from Debbie Sanders (1) Reply. 12/18/08
deer-auto crashes from Karen Nelson (1) Reply. 12/15/08
Elk from Gene Cornelius (1) Reply. 12/14/08
coyote pack from Frank Blazek (1) Reply. 12/08/08
snakes from Pam Powell (1) Reply. 11/24/08
obtaining a commercial NWCO permit from Lindsey G. (2) Replies. 11/21/08
permits from britt biev (1) Reply. 11/16/08
deer behavior from Dan Cox (1) Reply. 11/11/08
an October Rabbit Harvest from jack hyden (1) Reply. 11/10/08
Wildlife Form from Lydia Scott (1) Reply. 11/03/08
CHIPMUNKS from BOB ROSEN (1) Reply. 10/13/08
Dead rabbits from Lori Warnygora (1) Reply. 10/10/08
palitability of oat seeds to deer from Mike Mullvain (1) Reply. 10/07/08
wildlife rehab from Eugene KUELPER (1) Reply. 09/11/08
Overpopulation Deer from Richard Katilavas (1) Reply. 08/08/08
raptors from Jerry Prater (1) Reply. 07/29/08
Coyotes from Ann Zastrow (1) Reply. 07/28/08
Chipmunks from Janet O'Brien (1) Reply. 07/24/08
Cougars from Damon Wright (1) Reply. 07/23/08
foxes from Jennifer Hines (1) Reply. 07/18/08
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