Living with Wildlife in Illinois


Questions per page:

Question Title Date
Deer, deer, deer!! from Marilee Odendahl 03/01/16
fish in northern illinois from aamir waudiwala 12/20/15
Squirrels from Renee Jewell 12/07/15
Squirrels from Renee Jewell 12/07/15
13 lined ground squirels from Paul Bachleda 09/22/15
Crows from Rose Perez (1) Reply. 08/10/15
Large Predators from B Humphreys (1) Reply. 07/29/15
Bats in our bat house from Craig H (1) Reply. 07/26/15
bee nest? from mike wilson (1) Reply. 07/20/15
Mallard from Shen Cuskley (1) Reply. 07/11/15
Killing of opossum from Brianne Tucker (1) Reply. 06/30/15
birds nesting in stove exhaust vent from Rachel L (3) Replies. 06/19/15
Mallard nesting from Kirk Steinbruecker (1) Reply. 06/12/15
Blood found on trash can lid in AM from Laura Steiner (1) Reply. 06/12/15
Identification of a turtle from Lauren Adolfino (1) Reply. 06/09/15
foxes from susan swane (1) Reply. 06/09/15
Prairies from daniel nelson (1) Reply. 06/02/15
Your occupation from Sara Bell (1) Reply. 05/20/15
who do I contact from John Clark (1) Reply. 04/29/15
Abdandoned duck nest from Kathy Casto (1) Reply. 04/20/15
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