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From: Martin Narrod
Highland Park, IL
I have spent an extensive amount of time on this website, and the non-extension website. After searching for a feasible way to contact the website manager and was unable to do so. I would like to ask 2 questions.

First: Did you know that while this may be a University's website, that there are countless grammatical and spelling errors, not to mention the inaccurate spelling of myriads of flora and fauna?

Two: I live 26 miles outside of Chicago in Highland Park IL. In a small corner of the town is located a 2 1/2 acre spring-fed pond that was created in 1897 when digging into the earth for clay to make brick, the diggers hit a spring 20-30 feet down which quickly filled. This pond which I have been able to find little or no information of online called FOLEY'S POND, was originally stocked with bass, carp, and goldfish. The wildlife around the area is quite vast, including various migratory birds, mallards, cottontail rabbits, Eastern Moles, wood ducks, various songbird species, kingfishers, red-tailed hawks, Peregrine falcons, great blue heron, red-headed woodpeckers, scarlet tanagers, orioles, robins, cardinals, blue jays, sparrows, short eared owls, snowy egrets, black-crowned night heron, little blue heron, sandpiper, Mississippi Kite, White-Tailed Deer, Fox, Skunk, Opossum, Painted Turtle, Box Turtle, Alligator Snapping Turtle, Large-mouth bass, small-mouth bass, Catfish, sunfish, blue gill, red spotted sunfish, various darters, minnow, bullfrogs, green tree frogs, various toads, garter snake, timber rattlesnake(which totally was shocking), green watersnakes, a kind of orange and red banded snake, a black and white banded snake, coyote, this awesome tree frog I don't know the name of, Brown bat, brown squirrel, black squirrel, gray mice, brown mice, four different kinds of mussels, two different kinds of clams, slugs, snails, earthworms, nightcrawlers, crayfish, monarch butterflies, blue butterflies, yellow and black butterfly, a ton of different moths, and many other insects, grasshopper, cicada, leafhopper, woodpecker, green dragonfly, emerald dragonfly, damsel fly, horse fly, green biting fly, black fly, mosquito, rolly pollies, centipedes, earwigs, daddy long legs, jumping spiders, water gliders, tadpoles asian beetles, black beetles, ladybugs, long eared beetles, stink bugs, leaf insects, stick insects, and red-tailed fox. MY QUESTION IS:

There are about 25 different spiders here at this pond, I can tell about 3 or 4 different species, but there are several I cannot, and of those there are 2 types which are very large, the size of a half-dollar or the top of a coca-cola can(these are not daddy long legs), is there a comprehensive list that tells what every species of Mammal, Bird, Insect, Reptile, Amphibian, Vertebrate, Invertebrate, and Plant is in the State of Illinois?

I have been seeking a list of this sort and/or an entomologist which could visit this pond which is booming with life, if you or someone you know could help I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU.


Martin Narrod 847-274-4040

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