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From: randell hathaway
raleigh, IL
Saw a little bobtail squirrel run acros my yard and get up in my tree while mowing, yesterday. Have lived in saline county all my life and have been in almost every nook and cranny in 3 counties at some point and have never saw, what I think was a chipmunk. It had a bobtail and had pretty white dash line marks down it's back. It was a fat healthy little dude. My property is right beside the Raleigh Airport ( Raleigh International, we call it . Ha! Ha! ) Are they really around here? This is my first sighting in my 46 years here.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
This response was provided by Darryl Coates, Illinois Department of Natural Resources District Wildlife Biologist.

Hello Randy, Thank you for your observations. I have no doubt in my mind that you are seeing a chipmunk. The Eastern Chipmunk has a wide distribution across the eastern half of the U.S. which includes all counties in Illinois. Chipmunks are usually found in deciduous forest, brushy areas. They are commonly seen in park, recreational areas and camp grounds where grasses are mowed and oak/hickory trees and shrubs are abundant. Other similar species are the Least Chipmunks which is smaller but still have the white facial stripes; however, the stripes on his sides go all the way to the base of the tail and the Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel which has broken stripes on sides and back which are more yellowish in color. Now that you know where to look . . . you may find them in new locations.

From: William Warnick
hamilton, ZZ
I have seen a number of bobtail squirrels in my area of southern Ontario Canada. I am positive that I am not seeing the same squirrel. We have had them in our part of the city for years. So chipmunk are not possible as we have them here to. Chris

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