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Overpopulation Deer

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From: Richard Katilavas
Palos Heights, IL
Is there some way to do a census, and if the impression that the local deer herd has outgrown its resource base is supported, have a program for removal and relocation approved and implemented? The residential area south of Harlem and north of 131st has been having increasing numbers of deer leaving the forest preserve areas to forage. While this was originally a late winter issue, it is now a year-round phenomenon--the animals never find enough to eat in the Cook County Forest Preserve areas -- Arrowhead Lake to the south and Turtle-something Lake to the west -- even when there should be ample native plants. Without a determination of the maximum carrying capacity of the region and a census of the existing population, the concern is that unchecked deer population growth will result in the natural thinning mechanisms of disease, reduced fertility and diminished reproduction until the deer herds falls below the as yet undetermined carrying capacity of the region. The weather has generally been good over the fall-winter-spring since the last severe winter of 1997 and the deer population appears to have more than tripled in the past ten years. Thank you.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
This response was provided by Darryl Coates, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, District Wildlife Biologist.

Your question boils down to three main points:

"Census; Determination of Maximum Carrying Capacity; and Relocation (of surplus)"

Now I am not trying to be critical but to inform and educate.

1.)Yes, there are census techniques. Yes, they are being employeed.

2) Deer removal and relocation is not an option: There are no longer places in Illinois where there "aren’t enough deer" and the danger of disease transmission cannot be understated.

3) "Maximum Carrying Capacity" or simply "Carrying Capacity" for deer would be far greater than anyone would tolerate – and that figure changes seasonally; so it would be quite a waste of time to make any attempt to calculate.

4) Today's management is more toward a "Social" Carrying Capacity – how many deer are desired (or tolerated) by various groups of people in an area, county, region, or within the state.

5) Deer control in Cook County is primarily by vehicle accidents – development and city ordinances prevent consideration of any hunting programs, which are by far the most economical means of deer control. Community deer control involving lethal control may be authorized by IDNR's Urban Deer Project Manager.

6) Wildlife population increase and create a seasonal surplus. This surplus of animal is decreased by starvation, disease, parasites, accidents, weather, predation, pollution, hunting(where allowed) and others. These factors work every year to limit the potential production (unchecked population growth) of wildlife.

7) The natural mechanisms cited by you are exactly what the HSUS and other anti-hunting groups promote as "proper management" of deer and other wildlife – letting nature take its course.

Thanks for writing in. DTC

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