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Duck Nest In Dangerous Location

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From: Michelle Keil
Peoria, IL
I work at a location in downtown Peoria, IL. A mallard hen is currently incubating eggs in a nest in the courtyard of my workplace. Once the ducklings hatch, in order to make it to the River (nearest water) they will have to undergo (1) a four-foot drop from their nest location onto concrete, (2) a 3+ block walk through intersections with heavy traffic, (3) several impassible obstacles preventing them from getting to the water. Do you have any suggestions for things I can do to help them get to water successfully with their mother?

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
Despite what may appear to be an impossible mission in getting to the water, I doubt that the ducklings will need any assistance. If the hen chose that spot for a nest, she thinks she can get the ducklings to water or she wouldn't have built her nest there. Ducklings are surprisingly resilient little creatures. The four foot drop and 3 block walk shouldn't be too challenging for them. Getting across traffic is a bit trickier. But it is amazing how the sight of a bunch of ducklings crossing the road can stop traffic. My advice is to let the hen handle getting the ducklings to water. If one becomes injured in the process then it would be appropriate to step in and lend a helping hand. An injured duckling should be taken to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. And of course, help should only be offered if it does not put people in danger. Please keep me posted on how things turn out.

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