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Deers gone wild

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From: treasia bland
memphis, TN
the deers on interstate 57 are out of control. I tried to avoid one and he ran right into my vehicle. Right after that two more were in the road and I barely missed them while trying to avoid a major accident. Something really needs to be done about them because the deers are out of control. On my way home from Ind, we counted at least 35 and 15 were trying to cross the road. Who can I talk too about this situation?

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
Many drivers know that they need to watch for deer on the roadways during the late fall. What isn't as well known is that drivers need to be watchful during this time of year as well. Deer-vehicle collisions increase during the spring fawning period, late-May to early-July (June peak). This is due, in part, to does driving away their prior year's young before giving birth to this year's fawns. These young deer relocate to unfamiliar areas and are not yet familiar with the intricacies of crossing roads. Additionally, does are frequently involved in spring accidents due to their loss of agility in later stages of pregnancy.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources recommends that drivers be aware of locations (segments of roadway) where deer are seen regularly. As they approach these areas, motorists should slow down, and be extra vigilant for deer attempting to cross roadways. Typically, if you see one deer... there will be more.

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