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help w/rodent like animal

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From: Jim D.
Bourbonnais, IL
I live near Kankakee, Il. I live on 5 acres w/ tall (18" - 25" ) grass/weeds in my back pastures ( about 2 acres) . I have ground squirrels, mice and I believe Voles or moles. But, I have also seen a larger rodent looking animal that burrows and the opening is about the size of a softball or so. It 's about 7 - 10" long and about 2" in width. Black or dark brown , short legs, a longrat-like tail. It's hard to get a good look at because it really moves fast. What could it be ? Thanx, Jim

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
The animal you describe sounds like a muskrat. Do you live near water?

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