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Extremely Large Black Bird

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From: Kyle Hermes
Long Grove, IL
Earlier today while driving I encountered an extrememly large black bird. It had a wingspan of at least 8 feet, probably closer to 10. It had jet black feather covering every area of its body. I first noticed it perched on a large oak tree at least 80 feet high. The bird appeared to be around 3-4 feet tall when perched. it then opened its wings and free fell for a moment before flapping its large wings and hovering. it then alternated between flapping and gliding as it flew away. I am extrememly shaken by the experience. I have seen turkey vultures and hawks, but none come even close to the size of this bird. Please answer this as soon as possible. Thank You for whatever help you can provide.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
The likely candidate would be a turkey vulture, but they have red heads. Another possibility might be a young bald eagle. If the light wasn't good, the dark brown feathers may have appeared to be black.

From: marty kander
buffalo grove, IL
I was jogging in Long Grove, IL yesterday (4/6/13) and saw two large birds standing in a field. They were "thin" but around 3 - 4' tall. They looked like a skinny version of an Ostrich (they were really tall). As I walked toward them they did take off in flight and shrieked a very loud "warbling" sound.

I have been Googling them but so far have not been able to identify. And they are obviously not Turkey Vultures, Bald Eagles, Herons or Egrets.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
Possibly a crane? Check out: See anything there that looks familiar?

From: Kahu Wharema
Qld, ZZ
What is the date of this post roughly..I have seen many of these (millions in visions).Roughly id say 4 foot minimum maybre.. I have settled with the thought of them being an omen of some kind hopefully a good one.. you are the first person ive seen post on this.. T.C

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
The thread started two years ago. If the bird is lit from behind, sometimes even lighter-colored birds will appear black. A photo helps with a positive ID. The shape of the bird can also be helpful. A crane has a very different body shape than a vulture, heron, or eagle, for instance.

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