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Robin Nesting

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From: Karen Teeling
Indian Head Park, IL
I have a family of robins that nest on my bedroom windowsill every year. 1st year equalled one clutch and 4 babies, 2nd year two clutches and 7 babies, this year, even after repeated attempts to keep her/them from building the next again, while I was out of town the llittle buggers rebuilt their home and laid 3 eggs. The babys fledged the other day and I want to remove the nest and hang some reflective streamers up to keep them from coming back. 1. Can I do this legally? 2. will it work 3. will it make her nuts? Help! I can't open the window while the nest is there. We've already had 3-4 90+ degree days . . .

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
Nests, eggs, and young birds are protected by the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. So once the eggs are laid you need to leave them alone. But if she's already fledged young, then go ahead and remove the old nest and discard of it in the trash and place outside. (Wash your hands in hot, soapy water after handling the nest, they can contain mites, etc.). Putting up the streamers may be enough to scare her away from the window sill. But if you notice material starting to gather, remove it right away before she has a chance to build the nest. She should get the hint and try to rebuild elsewhere. Because she has been so successful at that location in the past, she might be fairly persistent in trying to build there. So you just have to be more persistent. Good luck.

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