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raccoon problem

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From: Christine Koch
Pekin, IL
My daughter and her husband just bought a house and the neighbor is feeding the raccoons dog food. The former owners of this house had problems when the raccoons entered their house thru the soffit and did quite a bit of damage to the attic. Now the raccoons are coming to my daughter's house and trying to get in and they aren't afraid of people. What can she do. The neighbor thinks they are cute.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
Unfortunately this is a common problem. People feed wildlife not realizing that this causes more animals to be in an area than would naturally occur there. This can increase the animals' risk for being exposed to disease. And it means that there is not enough natural den sites to go around. What this means is that the raccoons will try to get into homes and garages. They can cause a lot of damage. First try to convince the neighbor to stop feeding the raccoons (or at least reduce the frequency). Otherwise they will constantly be dealing with this issue. Also to check if there are any local ordinances that prohibit feeding wildlife (rare, but some communities do have rules about this). If the raccoons are causing damage, they can be trapped and removed by a nuisance wildlife control operator. This website provides a list of licensed NWCOs on the Find a Professional page.

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