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People bother coyotes

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From: Beverly Navara
Elk Grove Village, IL
I was given the name of your organization by the Flint Wildlife Rehab. Center in Barrington. I have a neighbor who chases coyotes when he seems them in the park behind my house. I called the police and they told the man to call them if he perceived a problem. The coyote is no problem at all. He minds his own business; this man just doesn't like them. Is there any state law that would allow me to file a complaint against his behavior? Thank you for your time. Bev Navara

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
The 2010-2011 IDNR hunting digest states that it is illegal "To hunt, shoot, pursue, lure, kill, destroy, capture, gig or spear, trap or ensnare, harass or to attempt to do so". Coyotes are protected as fur bearers in Illinois. I would contact your local district wildlife biologist for advice. You can find the DWB in your area at:

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