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Dead and dying house finches

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From: Wendy Cooper
Beecher, IL
Today, I removed two dead house finches from the front of my home, in the a corner between our cement front steps and the brick wall, on the ground. Later this evening, there was another house finch in the same area where the dead ones were! It flew off, went to our feeders for a snack, and now it's huddled in that corner again. Should I do anything? Do you think there's a problem with my sunflower seeds? This is the only type of bird I've seen there.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
I doubt there is a problem with the seed. Birds are very good at hiding that they're sick. And sick birds often hang out near feeders because they can expend less energy looking for food.

Did the dead birds appear to have any trauma (i.e., maybe a cat got them and left them near the house?) or any signs of discharge around the eyes (i.e., indicating disease)?

You could take down any feeders you have and wash them in a bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water). Rinse well with water and dry thoroughly before refilling with seed.

From: Wendy Cooper
Beecher, IL
Hi Laura~ There were no outward signs of injury, trauma or eye disease. Also, they were too far from the nearest window for me to think they flew into the window and fell. Thank you for the information about cleaning the feeders. I have cleaned up the ground area surrounding the feeders as well, the best I could. I purchased new feeders, but will also clean one of the other ones, and new seed, just in case. There are many of our usual visitors today again. And no more sickly ones huddling in that corner! I hope I wasn't the cause of those poor birds' deaths!! :( If you have any other information for me, please let me know. Thanks again~

From: Teri Boyle
El Cajon, CA
I have the same problem - dead house finches. 3-4 per week. No signs of eye disease or other trauma. We will notice one who won't fly away with the others upon approach. They sit around - can fly, but often don't. They eat and drink. Then a day or two later, we find one dead in a corner. Once one died in the bird bath. Another right in the grass while we were watching. This is very distressing. I threw out all the food, bought all new and checked the expiration dates (!), and cleaned all the feeders, and the problem continues. What is happening? I'm ready to quit feeding them. FYI, there are chickens in neighbors' yards over two of our fences.

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