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Dead birds

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From: Michelle Greenfield
Plainfield, IL
I live in Plainfield and have a fenced yard. I also have an almost 17 year old golden retriever who is not fast at all anymore! I keep finding remnants of dead birds in my yard. There are large circles of feathers with a skull left in the center - nothing else! I found 2 circles just last week & several over the winter. I have a 3 year old and a 6 month old & I am afraid of disease in my yard. I would like to know what might be doing this. I did not think this looked like work of a cat. I also would think cats would avoid my yard due to dog smells. I also thought birds of prey carried their victims to trees. Any suggestions or help? I have one very small tree in my yard, that is it. The birds sometimes like to use the puddles near my sump pump to bathe, but these birds did not accidentally drown or anything. Thank you so much! Michelle

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
Cats often leave the heads behind. I would guess that a neighborhood cat is catching the birds right after they have bathed.

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