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Mallard nesting

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From: Sheri Reuter
Menasha, WI
We have a koi pond with a waterfall. A loan (wild) mallard has started nesting at the top of out waterfall. Two questions? 1. This girl seems to be without a mate, and all other ducks avoid our yard due too two yappy dogs and several kids! It seems odd to see her not paired, will we see ducklings? 2. Because of freezing our waterfall is currently off, will turning it on and doing maintenance near (5 feet away) cause her to leave?

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
The hen will sit on the eggs without the assistance of the male. So it isn't uncommon just to see the hen. If she lays eggs but hasn't started incubating the eggs yet, she might abandon the nest if people get too close. Once she has started incubating (you'll know because she'll sit on the nest almost constantly), she is less likely to abandon the nest, but people and dogs will cause her to leave the nest, so avoiding the area for awhile is best. The eggs will hatch in about 28 days. All of the ducklings should hatch w/in 24 hours of each other. At that point she'll move them from the nest. If there is food available (insects) in the koi pond, she might keep them there, but more likely she'll seek out a nearby pond or stream.

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