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From: Brenda Creviston
Lovington, IL
I found a rattlesnake in my garage. I had the door up the day before and the weather turned cooler so I assume it came in and then couldn't leave because we had shut the doors. My dog found it and it was curled up and shaking its tail. I raised the garage door and ran inside to get my camera. It did go outside the door so I was able to get a picture. It looks like a massasauga I think. Would send the picture but don't see any way to do that on this forum. It has since slithered off somewhere unknown and makes me nervous to think it may be in the yard where my grandchildren play. What to do next? Thanks.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
Please e-mail the photo to me at: lkammin@illinois.edu

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