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2 dozen (more or less) turkey vultures

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From: Kathryn Zientek
Mahomet, IL
We have about 2 dozen turkey vultures roosting in our backyard. They leave every fall; return in the spring and make such a mess that our backyard is not useable and smells. This has been going on for about 4-5 years. We would like to encourage them to move on and not encourage any more to stay. Any suggestions?

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
The most effective way to get vultures to leave a roost site is to hang a vulture effigy. See

I'm not familiar with where to get one, so I'd suggest contacting Darryl Coates, IDNR district wildlife biologist. He can be reached at

Using sprinklers or noise makers can sometimes be effective. But you have to be persistent. Especially since this has been a roost site for several years.

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