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canadian goose

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From: tricia harris
roswell, GA
we had terrible cold weather in GA. The geese normally had a bit of water to swim in but the pond froze completely. They sat near the edge with their legs tucked up under them. I bought some corn for them and went down to the pond to feed them since ground was covered in snow and ice. I noticed one of them had feet completely orangeish pink and could barely walk. It seemed like ALL of them were shivering and could not walk more than a few steps without setting down. I assume their legs were too cold. Is there anything I can do to help the one with both legs damaged? Thank goodness the pond is thawed so they are back in the water again.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
The different coloration of the legs of the one individual may have been genetic rather than caused by exposure to weather. How are the geese doing now?

From: tricia harris
roswell, GA
I would think so too except he could not walk on his legs. he put very little weight on them and more like pulled himself along the ground. In addition all of the geese seemed very uncomfortable walking on the snow also and stopped every few steps to sit on the ground and draw their legs up underneath. Even sat while eating the corn I fed to them. I have not seen the injured one since GA thawed out. I was just wondering if their legs/feet actually freeze if they can't put them in water and temp falls below 10 degrees.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
No, keeping their legs tucked up close to their bodies keeps them from freezing. But it does sound like the one was injured. A goose that can't walk would also not be able to fly. A predator likely caught the goose.

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