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Animal Trapping

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From: Carmen Jenkins
Streamwood, IL
My association carelessly orders traps to be set for animals they think are causing "problems". There was a small hole (maybe a bunny) so they set a trap (against mywill), but it caught a huge racoon that has lived in the area for years. When I explained that the racoon was not the intended target, they said too bad, any racoon we catch has to be killed. Is there a state law that says that any racoon caught has to be killed? Also, should an association be able to just order that a trap be set without having to get approval or ask an expert first? Basically whenever my association contact (who has no wildlife experience) carelessly places an order for a trap to be set, its guaranteed that an animal will be caught (intended one or not) and will then be killed. It seems ridicululous to me that there is no approval process an association should have to follow before being allowed to set a trap. Is there an agency I can contact to discuss this or file a complaint against my association?

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
Most species of wildlife in Illinois are protected by the Illinois Wildlife Code. Most mammals cannot be legally trapped unless the Illinois Department of Natural Resources issues a permit.

It is not true that raccoons have to be euthanized. By law, raccoons in Illinois must either be: 1) released on the same property within 100 yards of where the animal was captured, 2) surrendered to a licensed veterinarian who is a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, or 3) humanely euthanized. The biologist issuing the permit will determine the appropriate outcome for each case.

Also, homeowners associations must request a permit from the IDNR each time they plan to trap. I've contacted the IDNR district wildlife biologists in Cook County about your questions. They are Bob Massey and Joe Rogus, and they can be reached at (815) 476-0256. If you call them, Mr. Massey told me that they can help direct you to the appropriate Illinois Conservation Police Officer.

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