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Canadian Geese/Duck Problem

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From: William Sampa
Bloomington, IL
I seem to have an invasion of Canadian Geese and Ducks in my backyard. They are there due to the neighbors feeding them. Are there any regulations regarding feeding them in a residential area. Also, what are good ways to get rid of them from my yard. or any other advice you can give. thanks

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
There are not currently any ordinances in Bloomington that prohibit feeding ducks or geese. Darryl Coates is the Illinois Department of Natural Resources district wildlife biologist who covers McLean County.He said he would be happy to talk with you about possible solutions. He can be reached at: 217-784-4730 Ext. 228

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