Living with Wildlife in Illinois

Damage to Plants

Questions per page:

Question Title Date
Damage to Yard-skunks? from Sherry Kamke 10/03/23
Linden with bacterial canker from Lisa Anderson 09/12/23
Canadian gees from Tonys Mayhue 05/23/23
Aging trees near room addition from Dana Hart 04/20/23
Questions from Paula Pennington 01/16/17
Raccoons from Doreen Forbes 08/03/16
identifying a snake from Theresa Somers 06/03/16
Sick turtle from Wade Denby 02/28/16
scat ID from John Brooks 11/21/15
Humane traps & avoid injury - non target wildlife from R Booth (1) Reply. 04/15/15
bat from Tamie Crawford (3) Replies. 11/13/14
Squirrel Tail from Yor Noslo (3) Replies. 09/22/14
Crop Damage from Scott Opp (1) Reply. 05/27/14
lesser celandinee from Paul Zemel (1) Reply. 05/07/14
Deer Nuisance permits for Plasticulture strawberry from Freeland Strawberries Freeland (1) Reply. 04/16/14
rabbit relocation from mike wilson (1) Reply. 03/13/14
Squirrels from Linda Dyson (1) Reply. 02/21/14
MOUSE PROBLEM from Andreas Kyriakou (1) Reply. 01/10/14
squirrel from Debbie Paullin (1) Reply. 01/07/14
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