Living with Wildlife in Illinois

Solving Problems

Questions per page:

Question Title Date
Raccoon Removal from Ron Clark (3) Replies. 05/17/10
Hawks from Donna Schroeder (1) Reply. 04/30/10
mink from John Barnard (1) Reply. 04/24/10
Squirrels from Jessica Tackett (1) Reply. 04/22/10
traps from jim kunde (1) Reply. 04/07/10
Coyotes from Johanna Beller (1) Reply. 04/05/10
beaver dams from Jason O'connor (2) Replies. 04/02/10
Canadian Geese from Sandy Smith (1) Reply. 03/04/10
Feral Cats from Traci Davis (2) Replies. 03/02/10
Retention Pond from William Albrecht (1) Reply. 02/04/10
brown bat from Michelle Edlin (1) Reply. 12/31/09
Skunk from Jennifer Storm (1) Reply. 10/18/09
Squirrel trapping from Rocky S. (1) Reply. 09/23/09
finding a skunk from Stella P. (1) Reply. 09/17/09
Identifing droppings from am animal from Karen Cordon (2) Replies. 08/30/09
alligator snapping turtles from GEORGIA ENGLAND (1) Reply. 08/26/09
filling chipmunk holes from Clark Chaffee (5) Replies. 08/17/09
COUGAR from NORM EGGLESTON (1) Reply. 08/16/09
Euphanization from Richard Simon (1) Reply. 08/12/09
bee hive from Linda Murphy (1) Reply. 08/05/09
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