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From: Susan Flowers
East Peoria, IL
I have seen a fox in my yard during the daytime three times in the past two weeks. (My next-door neighbor has also mentioned seeing it during the daytime on two occasions recently.) I thought that foxes are nocturnal animals, so I am concerned that the fox may not be healthy. One day it spent some time laying in our front yard under a tree. When I watched the fox today in our back yard, it was shaking its head back and forth, kicking like a dog would kick at fleas, and rolling over and over on the ground. I have young children who like to play in our yard, so I want to make sure that there is no health risk, and/or find out how to go about removing the fox. Thank you.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
Good afternoon, Foxes are nocturnal, but they are sometimes seen during the day. It is possible that this fox was born this summer is still wandering around trying to establish its own territory. The scratching, rolling around, and head shaking could well be signs of a case of fleas...or of a young animal enjoying the fall weather. If the fox is keeping its distance from people, has a full furcoat (a patchy coat could indicate mange), and seems alert and its movements coordinated then you do not have much to worry about. It should flee from you if you approach it making loud noises (don't go too close). However, if the fox appears very lethargic, thin, has dull/patchy fur, walks in circles or seems uncoordinated in its movements, or tries to approach people...those could be indicators that the fox is sick. In that case, you may want to call a Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator (NWCO) to trap and euthanize the animal. They charge a fee for that service. Licensed NWCOs can be found on the 'Find a Professional' page of this website. If the fox seems to fit the description of a healthy fox and is not making any effort to approach people, I would just enjoy its presence until it decides to move on.

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