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coyotes & raccoons

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From: Sara Murphy
Long Grove, IL
We have a couple coyotes who constantly use our backyard as a trail, and at this time of the year (March) many raccoons who are looking for a place to hide out. My question is: do coyotes see raccoons as prey? I had three raccoons up a pine tree, quietly waiting until the coyotes left the area; then all hell broke loose with a turf war in the tree that made it look like the tree was swaying in a tornado, with sound effects. We have quit feeding the birds in the back yard to discourage the scavengers. Is there anything else we can do to discourage the wildlife? (PS> we have lived here for 20 years, and this is the most large wildlife I've seen.)vi

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
Coyotes mostly feed on mice, voles, and rabbits. They could kill a raccoon (particularly young ones). But an adult raccoon (up to 27 pounds) can weigh almost as much as a coyote (most 20 to 40 pounds, occasionally up to 55 pounds), and they put up quite a fight. Most coyotes would not take the risk of going after an adult raccoon. But with wildlife, you learn never say never.

In addition to not feeding the birds, make sure pet food is not left outside, keep grills clean, and trash should be stored securely (it attracts mice, which attracts coyotes).

My guess is that the raccoons going crazy in the tree had more to do with breeding season than seeing a coyote go by. Raccoons breed January through March, and a female will mate with several males.

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