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From: Sue Pastick
Evergreen Park, IL
The Village of Evergreen Park has had multiple calls regarding coyotes. We have not had any attacks, but there is concern from residents. Of course, we have a large golf course, several large parks and 2 big cemetaries in the village. I know that coyotes are around. Our police have been called out for several sightings, but of course, by the time they arrive, the area is clear. At this point in time we are passing the word around (information gathered from this great site) regarding coyotes and other critters (raccoons/opossums). Is there a certain point we approach our district wildlife biologist for assistance? Thank you.

Extension Message
From: Laura Kammin
Visiting Extension Specialist, Pollution Prevention
Extension-Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program
It doesn't hurt to contact the district wildlife biologist (DWB). But sightings, even during the day, are not cause for alarm. The concern is with animals that don't show fear, approach people, or attack small pets. If people follow the tips we recommend on the website, conflicts do not need to happen. It can cause alarm for people to see coyotes, but most of them are cautious around people and they'd rather avoid contact if they can. If a coyote is causing damage or taking pets, that animal needs to be removed quickly. If you have specific questions that aren't answered on the website, I'm happy to help, and the DWB is also obviously a wonderful resource.

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