Living with Wildlife in Illinois

Sick, Injured, or Orphaned

Questions per page:

Question Title Date
Baby squirrel from Alexis Nuno 04/19/16
help! from margo harrison 04/19/16
Wildlife and Urban Traffic from Nicole H 04/14/16
Canadian geese in backyard from Hina Fakroddin 03/30/16
Injured bird from Tammi Korkosz 03/19/16
Hair loss from Teresa Kodatt 03/07/16
2016 squirrels missing fur from Barbara Niko 02/19/16
mange from Margo Adams 02/14/16
Squirrel losing its hair and badly limping from Gordon Cappo 01/30/16
Squirrels losing fur from Christiane K 01/17/16
squirrel hurt by my dog from Lori Black 01/08/16
small fox or coyote with wound from laura wisinski (1) Reply. 08/05/15
Hairless coyote from Jason McDonough (2) Replies. 07/29/15
Baby Fawn from KIM FEGER (1) Reply. 07/25/15
Baby robin from mandy k (1) Reply. 07/25/15
Grey squirrels from Kathy Scott (1) Reply. 07/23/15
4 Dead Squirrels from Linda Graham (1) Reply. 07/20/15
Canadian goose with leg problem from Diane Saffer (1) Reply. 07/20/15
Fledgling Doves from Alyssa Martinez (1) Reply. 07/19/15
3 dead squirrels in 1 month from Amy Larsen (1) Reply. 07/14/15
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